Ways to future proof your property
6 min read
When you buy a property, you need to think about how it will perform in the future, which means not only the location but the features of the property itself. Historically, Australia has tended to follow international trends that flow from the USA, UK and Southeast Asia – including when it comes to property.
Some of the top property features which are proving popular overseas and in Australia, which you might like to consider for your next property purchase include:
Green and carbon neutral homes
This is a no-brainer – the future of homes are those which are carbon neutral or passive. Environmental chops are important, not just from a regulatory perspective but lenders are now offering cheaper interest rate options for properties that meet certain energy efficiency standards. When future buyers and tenants look for homes properties that are more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run are going to be looked on favourably.
Double or triple-glazed windows
Linked with the green requirements mentioned above, double and triple glazing ensures properties require less in the way of additional heating and cooling reducing the carbon footprint for inhabitants in the future.
Multi-split air conditioning so each room can be isolated
Throughout COVID, many homes installed advanced systems which ensured air was no recirculated through apartment buildings and across rooms. This meant if someone was isolated in the home, other household members weren’t exposed to the same air as the infected individual.
Air purifiers and high-quality ventilation
As with the above point, aur purifies and high-quality ventilation systems have been rolled out across businesses and schools in Australia and many are implementing similar systems in their homes.
Electric vehicle charging stations
Chances are the next car you buy is going to be electric. There’s an electric vehicle revolution taking place, even Mercedes and Porsche are embracing it. With the take up of more electric vehicles, there is of course increased demand for charging stations within the home.
Smart energy consumption and diagnostics
Smart homes are the future, in fact for many, they are the present. On a practical level, this means networking your home and having systems linked to a central panel allowing the owner or tenant to track energy consumption in real-time or live diagnostics such as knowing light is out in a particular room or your dishwasher is leaking.
Smart controls for entertainment, lighting, security and appliances
And to further the above idea, many homes already have lighting, security and appliances controlled via a master panel or an app. Hey Siri, turn on the fish tank lights.
Smart doorbells and biometric home entry
For those who aren’t at home throughout the day but are concerned with deliveries or intruders that have an entry system which are far more sophisticated than a simple key. From biometric entry to security and CCTV, doorbells that allow you to chat with and see who is there without even being home are already in widespread operation on newer builds.
High-speed internet (wired and wireless)
None of the above is possible without high-speed wired or wireless internet. If your property doesn’t have access to this, make it a priority to have it installed ASAP.
Whilst it may be a challenge to incorporate all of these things to a property you plan to buy as an investment or in preparation for sale, thinking about what future buyers and tenants will want is crucial.
Need some help scoping your next property purchase? Get in touch with the Entourage Property team of Buyers Advocates who can help guide you through the process.